Identify personal data and be GDPR compliant!

What OpenText™ File Intelligence can do for you

OpenText™ File Intelligence is an advanced file analysis program that scans across all business systems and platforms for specific information. It provides a clear overview of where personal data is stored, and the program helps you to comply with the Personal Data Protection requirements (GDPR).

Advanced filters and categorizations can be set up to keep a close eye on locations and security on documents with sensitive data. The processes can be fully or partially automated, and the solution ensures daily monitoring of compliance with the GDPR rules.
Scroll down and find examples of each step in the process!

3 steps to overview, insight and action in time!

When set up correctly, the program can notify you in time about actions that should be done concerning personal sensitive data. The indexing provides an overview - but does not necessarily give access to the current documents. Security can be kept intact!

We are ready to help your company's GDPR executives to set up OpenText™ File Intelligence. Including, in practice, implementing the policies that apply to your particular organization. The system can be adapted to the current one, as well as upcoming legislation on personal data.
OpenText™ File Intelligence has a 3-step approach that provides access to overview, insight and action through automation.

Step 1: Indexing provides an overall data insight

Meta data indexing are performed after a set up of tailored search criteria. Search e.g. on document names, authors, dates etc. It provides an overall insight. Next step is a full text indexing that crawls text inside the files. File content can be identified anywhere on the organization's IT systems. OpenText™ File Intelligence is easy to use and helps you update sources that have not been managed yet (such as file sharing, emails, etc.)

Businesses have different file drives such as personal drives and shared drives on e.g. a Microsoft File Server. They also have an email system, perhaps a SharePoint portal, a DMS system and an accounting system. OpenText ™ File Intelligence can go across all these platforms and index data on specific queries. Older date systems that do not provide access to data by default can be accessed through a developed connector.

Step 2: Set up categories, policies and classifications

Based on the in-depth indexing, categories and business-specific classifications are set up. Create e.g. a classification that records all locations where Social Security Numbers are listed, or where data regarding pay negotiations, customer contracts, sick leave or other personal matters are recorded.
Reports can be set up to provide a quick overview and visualize the data insight. Reporting and listing of incidents can be used to make necessary decisions about pattern alignment or direct action. OpenText ™ File Intelligence uses one unified interface for all system administration. It includes planning, user management and policies to create a seamless settlement.
Set up individual rules for e.g. applications, staff information, sick leave or disciplinary proceedings. The rules are set up in accordance with the individual HR employees rights in the systems. They can't access documents with classified personal sensitive content if they are restricted.

Step 3: Quick action on information and warnings

OpenText™ File Intelligence has provided an overview of confidential data, and now allows you to secure critical and valuable content to comply with GDPR requirements. You can quickly respond to relevant entries and files identified. For example, copying files for transferring or moving classified content to other secure locations. The action may also be to delete safe and sound content that is not aligned with company policy or that no longer has any business value.


A manager writes a warning to an employee and the letter contains information such as cause, consequence etc. In step 2, rules are set that disciplinary proceedings must never be stored on an open file drive for instance. Should the manager accidentally save the document to an open drive anyway, the system will automatically remove it and place it on a closed one. In addition, the system informs parties so that they can take action.
Your benefits with OpenText File Intelligence

Your benefits summed up

OpenText™ File Intelligence is:
  • Identifying all kinds of file content - anywhere on your business network
  • Alerts GDPR actions based on type and content rating
  • Protects personal information through automated policies
  • Indexes content and measures risks by providing information to ensure GDPR compliance
  • Connect even older systems with OpenText ™ File Intelligence
  • Release time by eliminating manual tasks for administrator
  • Creates certainty for GDPR compliance

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